Coming Fall 2024

The flagship publication of The TRIUMPHS Society

Annals of the TRIUMPHS Society seeks to promote the use of primary historical sources in the teaching of mathematics. Toward this goal, we publish Primary Source Projects (PSPs) ready for classroom use, artifacts related to the development of such projects, and works that support the implementation of such projects. Our editorial philosophy is that if a topic is related to teaching mathematics with primary sources, then it is potentially of interest to the journal.

The Annals editorial board is currently working to establish a home for the journal. Editorial policies and submission guidelines are forthcoming. In the meantime, for interested and potential authors, the following is the type of content that the journal intends to publish:

(1) Primary Source Projects (PSPs)

Classroom-ready projects designed to teach specific mathematical topics by engaging students with excerpts from primary historical sources scaffolded by commentary to provide context and direction and supplemented with student tasks that direct students to explore the underlying mathematical notions. For examples of such materials, please visit this collection of existing PSPs at the TRIUMPHS site.

(2) Translations of Existing Primary Source Projects

Relating to its mission of making Primary Source Projects available to a wide audience, Annals of the TRIUMPHS Society is open to publishing translations of already-published PSPs into certain languages other than English. Potential translators should contact the Editor to determine whether a given translation would be considered.

(3) Research Papers

In general, research papers on the scholarship of teaching and learning related to the use of historical mathematical sources will be considered. Possibilities include but are not limited to:

Scholarship related to the use or development of PSPs:

  • Articles focused on the content/theme of a specific PSP (or group of related PSPs) that provides historical context that goes beyond what appears in the PSP in a way that could enrich its implementation.

  • Analyses of some particular features of PSPs (e.g., primary sources, student tasks, historical background, pedagogical approaches) across a group of several projects.

  • An empirical article in Mathematics Education based on data collected from implementations of PSPs.

At the same time, we welcome scholarship grounded in teaching with primary sources but not focused explicitly on PSPs:

  • Descriptions of how teaching with primary sources has impacted one’s instructional practice/philosophy and/or students’ learning experience in more general ways.

  • Discussions of the inherent challenges and hidden benefits of teaching with primary sources or developing materials based on these sources, and general lessons to be learned through encounters with these challenges or benefits.

  • Articles that examine primary sources and their use from the perspective of some particular theory of learning or other relevant framework.

(4) Legacy Classroom Materials

Annals of the TRIUMPHS Society builds on a long tradition of classroom projects that use primary historical sources, including the TRIUMPHS grant (2015–2022) and its predecessors, Learning Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science via Primary Historical Sources (2008–2011) and Teaching Discrete Mathematics via Primary Historical Source (2003–2006). All projects written for these earlier efforts will be included as “Legacy Classroom Materials,” ensuring that all past and future projects have a shared digital home.

(5) Primary Source Resources

Primary Source Resources are supplementary materials that exist to facilitate the design and effective implementation of new PSPs, including source translations, guides to locating primary source materials, outlines of possible projects, and classroom materials related to existing PSPs.

Prospective authors are welcome to contact the co-editors in chief if they have questions about any of the aforementioned content, or if they have any ideas to pitch for a future article.

Editors in Chief:

Kenneth M Monks

Michael P. Saclolo